First of all register as a contributor. Then confirm you registration by replying to automatically generated e-mail. The password you receive in the e-mail will allow you to access your author's account, upload the abstract and the full paper or edit your contribution.
Detailed guide through the registration process can be downloaded here. The payment process stays the same as in the past and detailed instructions are here.
The abstract is required as a plain text (one paragraph of max. 300 words). Prepare the text in text editor avoiding special characters and copy/paste it to the Abstract window during registration.
Camera ready paper
Based on the decision of the scientific committee the paper lenght should be minimum 4 and maximum 10 pages.
Please, read Instruction for authors (PDF) and use the new MS Word template to prepare your paper.
Oral presentations
The presentations are expected to be prepared in MS Power Point or PDF and uploaded to our computer before the session. The presenters will be given 20 min (15 min presentation + 5 min discussion). Invited and plenary talks are planned to be 25 min + 5 min discussion.
All presentations will take place in the main lecture hall with relatively large auditorium. Keep in mind that even people from the last row should be able to read text you present. It is recommended to use max. 10 lines per slide. Some additional tips for junior presenters are here.
The allowed poster size is 95 cm (width) and 134 cm (height).
Presentation (oral or poster) without fulltext in proceedings is NOT allowed.
| 31st December, 2024 - extended abstract submission deadline |
| 31th December, 2024 - notification of abstract acceptance |
| 31st January, 2025 - full paper submission deadline
| 31st January, 2025 - early registration deadline for authors and attendees |
| 24th March, 2025 - late registration deadline for attendees (without presentation) |