Replacement of RDX by TKX-50 in a plastic bonded explosive based on Viton A

Amr Ali Helmy1, Thomas M. Klapötke1, Ahmed Elbeih2

1 Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany
2 Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt

Abstract. In this study, Dihydroxylammonium 5,5´-bistetrazole-1,1´-diolate (TKX-50) has been prepared and purified. The morphology of the crystals has been investigated by scanning electron microscope. TKX-50 was studied in the form of plastic explosive bonded by Viton A polymer and the results were compared with the RDX bonded by the same polymer. Sensitivity to impact and friction were measured. The thermal behaviour was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The detonation characteristics were calculated by means of EXPLO 5 code. Based on the mutual comparison of all the obtained results, it was concluded that replacement of RDX by TKX-50 in the PBXs compositions has decreased both the impact and friction sensitivities. Thermal behavior of both PBXs have close maximum decomposition peaks. The detonation parameters calculated by EXPLO 5 code showed that PBX based on TKX-50 are higher than that based on RDX.

Keywords: TKX-50; PBXs

ID: 88, Contact: Amr Ali Helmy, NTREM 2025