Thermal characterization of CHNO-oxidizer TNEF

Manfred A. Bohn1, Jasmin T. Lechner1, Moritz Heil1, Thomas M. Klapötke2

1 Fraunhofer Institut für Chemische Technologie (ICT), Pfinztal, Germany
2 Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany

Abstract. The pure CHNO oxidizer TNEF (tris (2.2.2-trinitroethyl) orthoformate) has the potential to replace the oxidizer AP (ammonium perchlorate) and to improve the environmental aspect of composite rocket propellants. The oxygen balance with respect to CO formation from carbon content is 30.4% (AP: 34%, ADN: 25.8, HNF: 21.9%). Impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity are with 5 Nm and 95 N in well manageable ranges. Because of the three trinitroethyl groups in TNEF a bit of concern is allowed about the thermal-chemical stability of TNEF. In other molecules of this type the stability demands could not be reached. To leave no doubt about this important aspect thermal loads at several low and medium temperature condition where performed using mass loss, heat generation rate, gas evolution and adiabatic selfheating. DSC measurements in high pressure crucibles at several heat rates are used to determine the Arrhenius parameters along the decomposition conversion. The results are discussed and evaluated.

Keywords: TNEF; thermal stability; microcalorimetry; mass loss; gas evolution

ID: 56, Contact: Manfred A. Bohn, NTREM 2025