OPTIMEX: Optimization of a simple plane wave generator

Martin Künzel1, Jindrich Kucera1

1 OZM Research s.r.o., Hrochův Týnec, Czech Republic

Abstract. Plane wave generators (PWGs) are often used in detonation and shock physics to initiate explosive charges or to accelerate flyer plates. There are many different types of PWGs that are applicable in various test scales and provide different levels of shockwave flatness. Testing of the PWGs can be done by using various diagnostic methods including high speed cameras and interferometry. In this paper, the use of passive fiber optic probes to optimize the design of a 30 mm diameter PWG is presented. Three different test setups were developed to check the radial symmetry of the detonation wave, the output shockwave curvature and the available shock amplitude. The tested PWG was based on an ordinary moldable plastic explosive and a 3d-printed inert lens but the test procedures are applicable to any other PWGs or even ordinary boosters.

Keywords: fiber optic probe;plane wave generator;3d printed lens;plastic bonded explosive

ID: 46, Contact: Martin Künzel, kunzel@ozm.cz NTREM 2025