Numerical and experimental analysis of Semtex 1A blast wave parameters

Romain Fosse1, Dominik Sedlacek2, Jiri Pachman3

1 University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic
2 University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic
3 University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic

Abstract. The propagation of blast waves in both near and far fields was studied using a numerical approach with the open-source software blastFOAM, validated by experimental data. The experiments involved 250 g and 500 g hemispherical charges of Semtex 1A placed on the ground. Pressure probes were deployed at distances ranging from 2 to 9 meters, while high-speed cameras were positioned at 13.64 m and 40 m from the charge to observe the blast wave velocity. The numerical simulations were done for hemispherical charge of 500 g of TNT, as well as for 250 g and 500 g charges of Semtex 1A, all placed on the ground. These simulations aimed to assess the effects of changing various simulation parameters on the pressure profiles, which were then optimized to match the experimental values. The optimized parameters were subsequently applied to near-field simulations. Experimental measurements and numerical predictions of incident over-pressures and arrival times were then compared.

Keywords: blast wave; Semtex 1A; BlastFOAM; overpressure; near-field; far-field; simulation; experiment

ID: 21, Contact: Romain Fosse, NTREM 2025