William J. Greenwood1, Peter Portius1
1 University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Abstract. Based on the energetic ligand 5-(3,5-dinitro-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-1H-tetrazole (H2DNPT) and the transition metals copper and nickel, two novel coordination compounds have been synthesised. The compounds were characterised by a combination of IR spectroscopy, microanalysis, as well as X-ray crystallographic and thermochemical methods. Crystals of the M(DNPT) compounds reveal coordination polymeric structures, involving Cu(II) or Ni(II) coordination centres, respectively, interlinked by DNPT(2-) ligands activating various coordination modes, as well as coordinated water. The crystallographic results indicate high crystal densities. The materials are thermally robust (Tondec > 300 °C). According to the Kamlet and Jacobs' method for predicting energetic performance, intriguingly high detonation velocities and pressures were found in the range of secondary explosives and comparable to RDX (CuDNPT: Q = 5741 J g-1, pCJ = 461 kbar, DCJ = 9.28 km s-1). Considering that metal-based energetics usually display the behaviour of primary explosives, these results warrant further investigation into their initiation and sensitivity characteristics, in particular regarding their potential as lead-free initiators.
Keywords: DNPT; transition metal coordination complexes; crystal structures; thermal analysis;
ID: 14, Contact: Will Greenwood, w.j.greenwood@sheffield.ac.uk | NTREM 2025 |