Risks in ammunition clean-up of the Black sea aquatoria

Radi Ganev1

1 Fire Fighting Faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Interior, Sofia, Bulgaria

Abstract. The paper discusses many years of experience in preparing and clean-up of ammunitions in the Black Sea aquatoria. A based sea level monitoring system was applied.The hydrography system used an echosounder with two frequencies 33 and 210 kHz, which provided information on the geometry of the sea bottom. The horizontal positioning control was carried out by a differential global positioning system (DGPS). The reference station type Trimble 4000MSK DGPS Reference Station was used. The system was based on the reception of GPS signal from satellites. The maximum number of satellites broadcasting GPS signals was between 24 and 30.

Keywords: risk; ammunition; Black sea

ID: 92, Contact: Radi Ganev, radiganev@abv.bg NTREM 2024