A comparison of the acoustic performance of flash compositions used in firecrackers

Petr Kuna1, Ondrej Zeman1, Vojtech Pelikan1

1 University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic

Abstract. This study investigates the acoustic performance of flash compositions used in firecrackers, focusing on comparison of powdered metal fuel-based and organic fuel-based formulations. The research aims to characterize air blast wave parameters generated by explosions and compare the performance of different compositions. The performance of the flash powders was measured in prefabricated firecracker paper tube set up. Air blast wave parameters were recorded using a Piezotronics pressure sensor connected to a Dewesoft Sirius HS data acquisition device. The results indicate that metal fuel compositions, achieved significantly higher overpressures and impulses compared to organic fuel-based compositions. The latter exhibited about half the overpressures and one-third the impulses. While the organic fuel-based compositions may not be suitable for high-performance applications, they show potential for use in mid-range firecrackers. This work contributes valuable data on the acoustic characteristics of flash compositions, offering insights into their practical applications in pyrotechnics.

Keywords: report generation; firecracker performance; flash powder; air blast wave

ID: 91, Contact: Petr Kuna, petr.kuna@student.upce.cz NTREM 2024